Cellphones are a huge part of our day-to-day lives and definitely one of the greatest inventions that were ever made. There are plenty of affordable phones out there that get the job done. But here in our channel, we like to take it up a notch! So in today’s topic, we’re going to look at some of the most extravagant cellphones in the world. What will your cellphone look like if you had a few extra millions to spend? Well, let’s find out!
0:00 Top 8 Expensive Smartphones That Cost More Than a Car
1:04 Introduction to our channel IGNITE CRUNCH
Expensive Smartphones Ranking 8: VIPN
...Black Diamond
Expensive Smartphones Ranking 7: Vertu Signature Cobra
Expensive Smartphones Ranking 6: Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot
3:35 Expensive Smartphones Ranking 5: Goldvish Le Million
4:04 Expensive Smartphones Ranking 4: Supreme Goldstriker iPhone 3G
6:38 Expensive Smartphones Ranking 3: iPhone 4S Elite Gold
7:57 Expensive Smartphones Ranking 2: Black DiamondShow more