Spitalfields and Dennis Severs House London

Dennis Severs House in Spitalfields is one of London’s most popular attractions. Make sure you book to see this amazing immersive experience. Skip to Dennis Severs’ House ➜ Subscribe on Youtube ➜ Spitalfields had one of the largest Roman Cemeteries here just outside the city. In 1197 the priory built one of the biggest hospitals in medieval England. The New Hospital of St Mary Without Bishopsgate, (St Mary Spital). In 17th Century Huguenot French Silk Weavers settled here to escape the Edict of Nantes. Outside the city walls they escaped the regulations of the city livery companies. Many of these houses were built especially for them. By 1800 Jews moved in fleeing pogroms. Also worked in fashion and in the street markets. 125 000 jews in the East End and converted Huguenot chapels in to Sandy’s Row Synagogue Queen Victoria’s coronation gown woven here at 14 Fournier Street. Photos provided by Dennis Severs House. Music by Tom Carradine ➜
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