There must be both Dark and Light.
I will do what I must to keep the Balance, as the Balance is what holds all life.
There is no Good without Evil, but Evil must not be allowed to flourish.
There is Passion, yet Peace; Serenity, yet Emotion; Chaos, yet Order.
I am a Wielder of the Flame; a Champion of Balance.
I am a Guardian of Life.
I am a Gray Knight.
Flowing through all, there is Balance
There is no Peace without a Passion to create
There is no Passion without Peace to guide
Knowledge stagnates without the Strength to act
Power blinds without the Serenity to see
There is Freedom in Life
There is Purpose in Death
The Force is all things
I am the Force
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6 days ago 00:23:43 1
Крах демократии в Звездных войнах: кто правит в далекой галактике
3 weeks ago 00:43:40 1
Рубио пошел навстречу Украине / Трамп запускает “Звездные войны” против РФ / №893/ Юрий Швец