WW2 Color footage Marder II - III.

The Marder II was a German tank destroyer developed during WWII after it became evident during Operation Barbarossa that the German army needed a mobile and powerful enough anti-tank weapon. it was decided to use surplus light tanks, like the Panzer II, and captured vehicles, like the Lorraine Schlepper, as the basis for makeshift tank destroyers. The result was the Marder series, which were armed with either the new 7.5 cm Pak 40 anti-tank guns or captured Soviet cm F-22 Model 1936 field guns. The Marder II came in two major versions, one based on the light Panzer II Ausf. D/E, with a new torsion bar suspension featuring four large road wheels, and would be armed with a captured Soviet cm gun. The second version was based on the Panzer II Ausf. F hulls. This Marder II had a redesigned fighting compartment, silhouette was lowered by about 40 cm to m and used the German 75 mm Pak 40 anti-tank gun.
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