Boxing vs UnBoxing | Conversion vs Boxing | Casting vs UnBoxing | Stacking vs Heaping in C#

Boxing vs UnBoxing | Conversion vs Boxing | Casting vs UnBoxing | Stacking vs Heaping | Object Type vs Reference Type | Value Type vs Reference Type Agenda: ------------- Q01. What is the difference between Boxing and UnBoxing in C#? Q02. What is the difference between Conversion and Boxing in C#? Q03. What is the difference between Casting and UnBoxing in C#? Q04. What is the difference between Value Type and Reference Type in C#? Q05. Can you give me some real examples of boxing and unboxing in C#? Q06. What is Boxing and Unboxing in C#? Q07. Why generic collections are preferred over non-generic collections? Q08. What is in the .Net Framework? Q09. Where do the value types stored in the memory? Q10. What is the difference between Stack and Heap? Q11. How Boxing and Unboxing affect the performance of the application? Q12. Is storing enum value to object type an example of Boxing? Q13. Does Boxing happen for the reference data types in C#?
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