ABO blood group and Rh factor problem and solution

The ABO blood group system is used to denote the presence of one, both, or neither of the A and B antigens on erythrocytes. In human blood transfusions it is the most important of the 38 different blood type classification systems currently recognized. #HumanBloodGroupSystemsAwardWinningWork #aboBloodGroupSystem #BloodTypeLiteratureSubject #RhBloodGroupSystem #BloodBiofluid #HealthIndustry #blood #group #type #ABO #AB0 #zero #ab #system #classification #antigen #antibodies #transfusion #compatibility #incompatibility #factors #rhesus #factor #sugar #glycolipid #donation #donate #types #molecular #genetics #medicine #explained #animation #study #studying #video #clotting #coagulation #henrik #henriks #lab #operatio #NikolaysGeneticsLesson
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