Vocal Coaches Reaccionan a Dimash Kuadaibergen |

Vocal coaches y especialistas en terapia foniátrica reaccionamos y damos nuestro análisis a la canción “.” En la interpretación de Dimash Kudaibergen Video original: Siguanos en nuestras redes sociales! Gladys: Twitter - @Gladys_Bermejo Instagram - @gladysbermejo95 Sax: Twitter - @Master_Sax Instagram - @Saxgroove Si estas interesado en clases/coaching contactanos en: gladysaxcoaching@ FAIR USE No intention of copyright infringement COPYRIGHT: FAIR USE, Tile 17, US Code (Sections 107-118 of the copyright law): All media in this video is used for purpose of review & commentary under terms of fair use. All footage, music & images used belong to their respective companies.
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