This video outlines the Marquis de Sade’s defense of immoralism, the view that morality is groundless, and that it is in our self-interest to act contrary to accepted norms: in particular, that we benefit from inflicting suffering and death on others.
I have drawn from arguments given by various characters in Juliette, Justine, and Philosophy in the Bedroom. There is not a great deal of secondary literature on Sade in the analytic tradition; however, Roche’s article “Much Sense the Starkest Madness: Sade’s Moral Scepticism“ was useful, particularly for the first half the video.
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0:00 - Brutality and bloodshed for all
2:15 - Mechanical man
16:36 - The sadistic contract
30:25 - Savage ecstasies
42:29 - Nature, red in tooth and claw
5 months ago 00:50:29 1
Charnier de soldats Allemands découvert à Villeneuve-Loubet - Identification, cause de décès - 1944