ZEISS Distagon T 2,8/15 ZE/ZF.2 ... the new big boy

Stefan Czech presents the new Zeiss Distargon T* 15mm 2.8 ZE/ZF.2 Super wide angle. He was not only make the promotion movie for Zeiss, he also make his own podcast becaues this lens is so special. This lens at the top of the wish list of many photografer and also DSLR filmmaker like Stefan Czech. Stefan Czech also make some testfootage with this lens. this will be in this podcast and in the offical Zeiss trailer. The quality is phenomenal. The lens it selfs is lighter than it looks, fabulous manufactured and the image quality which it produced is noting less than excellent. If you like this podcast, feel free to leave a comment. If not, tell me why ;-) More infos about the Zeiss Distargon T* 15mm 2.8 ZE/ZF.2 :// More infos about the filmmaker: Stefan Czech präsentiert hier das neue Zeiss Distargon T* 15mm 2.8 ZE/ZF.2 Superweitwinkel. Er hat nicht
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