It’s time for the July Composing Competition!

🥳 It’s time for the July 2022 composing competition! Write an original piece of instrumental music inspired by the given artwork, up to but not more than 90 seconds in length. Submissions must be sent in via the form below and are due by July 31st at 11:59pm EDT. A selection of finalists will be chosen and on Wednesday August 10th at 1pm EDT I will be joined by Christopher Siu, Gavin Leeper, and Mark Richards for a livestream event! 🏆 Thank you to Loot Audio for providing the AizerX: Classical Trailer Toolkit as a prize! PLEASE NOTE Setting this up and listening to every single entry takes a TONNE of time. If you’d like to help out please consider joining my Patreon or buying me a coffee. Thank you!! (sadly your odds of being a finalist will not be affected!) 🎨 ☕️ LINKS FOR THIS VIDE
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