Crazy SAND SCULPTURES & 15 Other Cool Things ▶3

There are tones of sand all around the world, so it is no surprise that many people use it as an art supply. Their creations are breathtaking. Watch this review of sand art and other ideas, and tell us what you think. Enjoy! Check Out These Amazing Artists: LEONARDO_UGOLINI_ARTIST/ Instagram: Youtube: Tiktok: @sandsculptor Facebook: REMY AND PAUL HOGGARD - SANDARTIST Instagram: Youtube: Tiktok: @sandsculpt Web: Facebook: KIRKMAXSON Instagram: Tiktok: @kirkmaxson 一根线条 Douyin ID: chenyuhuihua Douyin: LUIS Instagram: Web: SAND CASTLE UNIVERSITY Instagram: Tiktok: @sand_castle_university Facebook: SHIV Instagram: Youtube: JOSH HERNANDEZ Instagram: Tiktok: @ Web: 针传绣庄 Douyin ID: 1645713330 Douyin: KISLESTYLZ Instagram: Tiktok: @kislestylz Facebook: YASMIN Instagram: Tiktok: @thisartperson DUTCHBEACHART Instagram: Youtube: Facebook: GLORIA DEMITA Instagram: Web: Facebook: evgenyjackpot Instagram: Youtube: Tiktok: @evgenyjackpot Facebook: Shop: PHILIPSUE_ART Instagram: Youtube: Tiktok: @philipsue_art Facebook: Other: RANGOLIARTS Instagram: Tiktok: @rangoliarts MAX BENNETT Instagram: Tiktok: @maxbennnett Web: Facebook: KAURI_PAPERSTUDIO Instagram: Tiktok: @kauri_paperstudio Web: Facebook: Shop: SANDTABLEART Instagram: Tiktok: @sandtableart Submit your art video to get featured on our channel at: submit@
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