“SKINNY DIPPIN’“ • Back Porch Blues Guitar Fingerpicking

It’s been a while since I tuned up the old Mystery Resonator, so I dusted her off, and took her for a spin today with a little laid-back fingerstyle slide blues. This guitar has the perfect voice for that delta & country blues. There is something about the aged wood, combined with this particular cone that just barks! The logo and paint were stripped off years ago, so I don’t know what type of guitar it is, but the closest I’ve been able to find is a Pre-War 30’s Dobro... so until I hear different, I’m goin’ with that. I’m using a Black Mountain Picks “Jazz Tipped“ Thumb Pick on this one: TUNING: Open A (E-A-E-A-C#-E) GEAR: • Black Mountain Picks “Jazz Tipped“ Thumb Pick () • Mystery Resonator (Maybe a Pre-War Dobro?) • @Justin Johnson Signature Ceramic Guitar Slide () • CEntrance MixerFace R4R Mobile Recording Interface • @TELE
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