Lama La|| Nepali Full movie ||2021

Avenues Pictures/Ananya Cinemakers & PCFI(USA) Presents New Nepali full Movie “LAMA LA“ only on Maroon studio official YouTube channel. !!!!...Unauthorized downloading and uploading on YouTube channel is Strictly Prohibited And will attract punitive measures from maroon studio . Rights for this video is provided by Maroon Studio Production Jamyang is a young Buddhist monk who has recently finished his intermediate monastic education. He is now heading towards higher monastery for his higher education. In the course of his journey into the war-torn mountains, he meets a young rebel, Arjun. This is a story of their journey where they form an unlikely friendship that will change both of their lives. Cast – Ravi Karki/Jivan Pulami/ Nitusha Khadka/ Edit – Nischal Poudyal & Manoj Kumar Pant Cinematographer – Manoj Kumar Pant & Ali Rasheed Screenplay – Nischal Poudyal Music – Pushpasangam Sound –Nirjal Poudyal & Marjoke Po
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