Is This The Future Of MTB Helmets? | Smart Helmet Tech That Notifies & Locates You After A Crash

Getting out into the wild is one of our favourite things when it comes to mountain biking, an escape from normal life and people just shredding a bike. But it does come with dangers, maybe for some people that’s part of the appeal? A Helmet is the first bit of safety equipment to get as it can really help when having a crash, but what if they could do more than just impact protection? What if it could use smart tech to notify someone and location you after a crash? In association with ABUS 👉 Subscribe to Global Mountain Bike Network: Explore our new GMBN T-shirts and more! 👉 Follow us on Instagram or Facebook! @globalmountainbikenetwork & sign up to the GMBN newsletter: Submit your content to our uploader: we love to check out what you have been up to and may feature it on the show! What do you think of this new helmet tech? Where are you riding today? Let us know 👇 Watch more
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