🔴- Государственный гимн Советского Союза (1977-1991)

🇬🇧 Happy 100th birthday, the Soviet Union. We missed you so much since 1991, throughout generations. Today, only our grandfathers and grandmothers remember this glorious union in the 20th century. 🇷🇺 С 100-летием, Советский Союз. Мы так скучали по вам с 1991 года, на протяжении поколений. Сегодня об этом славном союзе в 20 веке помнят только наши дедушки и бабушки. English: The “State Anthem of the Soviet Union“ was the national anthem of the Soviet Union and the regional anthem of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1944 to 1991, replacing “The Internationale“. Its original lyrics were written by Sergey Mikhalkov (1913–2009) in collaboration with Gabriyel’ Arkadyevich Ureklyan (1899–1945), and its music was composed by Alexander Alexandrov (1883–1946). For a two-decade interval following de-Stalinization, the anthem was performed without lyrics. The second set of lyrics, also written by Mikhalkov and in which Stalin’s name
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