Horror Short Film “Requiem“ | ALTER | Starring Bella Ramsey

Subscribe to ALTER on YouTube: Requiem is set in 1605, against the backdrop of the witch trials. It’s a coming of age story, following Evelyn as she engages in a game of cat and mouse against her father, Minister Gilbert, in order to be with Mary, the woman she loves. “Requiem“ by Em J. Gilbertson Starring Bella Ramsey (The Last of Us, Game of Thrones) #ALTER #horror #shortfilm Connect with the Filmmakers: “Requiem“ Credits: CAST: Evelyn: Bella Ramsey / @bellaramsey, Mary: Safia Oakley Green / @safiaoakleygreen Minister Gilbert: Simon Bacon Magistrate Shorter: Sean Buchanan / @sean...buchanan_actor Matthew Shorter: Jack Oliver Norris / @jackoliver_norris Agnes: Juliet Dante / @ Josiah: Jason Adam Abe: Jack Condon / @jackcondon1 CREW: Director: Em J. Gilbertson (Emma J. Gilbertson) / @emjgilbertson Producer: Michelle Brøndum / @michellebrondum Screenwriter: Laura Jayne Tunbridge / @lauratunbridge Director of Photography: Joseph Guy / @josephalexanderguy Production Designer: Freddie Burrows / @frugstagram Costume Design: Ashley Conor / @ashleyconor Hair & Makeup Designer: Gemma Lokat-Smith / @gem_lokatsmith_hmua Editor: Oliver Bauer / @olibauereditor Composer: Madison Willing / @madwilling Sound Designer: Miles Sullivan / @mrmilessullivan Production Sound Mixer: Luise Guertler / @an_empty_stage Colorist: Marco Valerio Caminiti / @koenigmark VFX Producer: Jake Calcutt Production Manager: Fabiana Tesauro / @ybaf23 Casting Director: Claire Bleasdale / @clairebleasdalecasting 1st AD: Tom Allan 2nd AD: Charlotte Peach / @charlotte_peach 3rd AD: Felix Cole / @felix_casper_cole AD Floor Runner: Declan Taaffe and Grace Nicholls / @declantaaffe @_gracenicholls_ Script Supervisor: Michela Minciotti / @micnamacna Covid Supervisor: Andrew St Maur / @st_maur94 Fight Choreographer: Shiraz Yasin Production Coordinator: Priya Malhi and Catherine Lynn / @priyamalhix @catherinelynn189 Production Assistant: Jack Beckett, Samuel Sellers and Nana Obiri-Yeboah / @jacktbeckett @ @drnoy45 Runner: Lottie Lake and Millie Farquhar / @millw4h Unit Manager: Zoe Haynes Art Director: Jessica Wretlind / @jessicawretlind Art Department Assistant: John Burrows, Eve Finnie and Jermaine Thompson / @evefinnie SFX: Nick Smith and Simon Davey 1st AC: Charlotte Vernet 2nd AC: Stefanie Oswald Steadicam Operator: Leighton Spence and Junior Agyeman Owusu / @leightonspence @mrjunioragyeman Gaffer: Simon Mills Spark: Jamie Legge, Kian Altmann, Will Jensen and Oscar Oldershaw / @kianaltmann @bigheadamerican @oscaroldershaw First Assistant Sound: Alex Langner / @langner_alex Production Sound Mixer (Additional Shooting): Phil Stander / @phil_stander Head Costume Maker: Cecile Schils / @ Costume Maker: Chloe Hadley, Nenni Alenius, Eleanor Banasik and Esme Lowrey / @nenni.a @eleanor_costume @esmelowrey Costume Buyer: Ania Egan and Nana Ansah Hair & Makeup Assistant: Hannah Shaikh, Amy Luthwood-Graham and Eliza McCabe / @ @amyluthwoodgraham @elizamccabemua Editing Assistant: Mira Thu / @mirathu_ Dailies Colourist: Alex Coveney / @coveneyalex 3D Artist: Terence Hughes FX Artist: Jake Calcutt and Wu Junyi / @junepixs Compositor: Pietro Abati,Carina Carlsson, Siân Drury and Sam Pearson / @ Singer: Wild Adoration / @wildadoration Foley Artist: Miles Sullivan and Sam Morris / @mrmilessullivan and @sammosounds ADR Recordist: Kim Bradfield / @bradfieldsound Marketing and Publicity: Simon Galvan and Clare Harris / @simong.s Behind the Scenes Photographer: Lucy Alder, Lesley Posso and Olivia Ahmadi / @lucyalder_ @lesleyposso @livmard Production Company: The National Film and Television School / @nftsfilmtv About ALTER: ALTER is an ever-expanding platform for the most daring storytellers in the world of horror. We are a home, community and launching pad for our filmmakers. Slip into the dark, disturbing corners of cutting-edge horror. Filmmakers should visit to submit your horror shorts. (Only completed horror shorts will be considered. Unsolicited scripts or pitches will be immediately deleted without review.) Watch more: Website: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Sign-up for the ALTER and DUST Newsletter: About Gunpowder Sky: Creating content that resonates and impacts pop culture conversation, by empowering creators to take risks and experiment relentlessly in the pursuit of novel stories and formats. Video Title
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