iOS RSSchool 2021. Objective-C. KVO, Notification Center

0:00 Intro 0:09 KVO 3:30 KVO: Registering 13:19 KVO: Receiving notifications 13:55 KVO: Unregistering 16:36 Demo 1: KVO 52:23 Notification Center 58:33 Notification Queues 1:03:02 Notification Center: Registering 1:04:47 Notification Center: Posting notifications 1:05:54 Notification Center: Unregistering 1:06:35 Demo 2: Notification Center 1:29:10 Q&A 1:39:39 Outro Useful links: Apple – Key-Value Observing Programming Guide: NSHipster – Key-Value Observing: – Key-Value Coding and Observing: Apple – NSNotificationCenter: Apple – Notifications: NSHipster – NSNotification &NSNotification​Center: Materials (demo sources, tasks): Presentation: Discord: Other RSS courses: https
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