Дом за бетонной стеной, напоминающий неприступную крепость
House located in Trento, Italy, designed by studio raro.
The Casa MF is located on a hillside overlooking Trento, between a residential urban area, characterized chiefly by detached houses, and a green agricultural area and woodland. The abstract volume of the building fits into this rural context with simplicity and a kind of formal rigor, a horizontal structure emphasized by the presence of a dry-stone retaining wall which slopes towards the valley floor.
The boundary wall represents a kind of “threshold” between a residential urban area and natural open spaces. Beyond the wall, you pass through a series of closed spaces, that act as “filters”, that finally open up through large glass windows onto the surrounding landscape and the valley. The entrance courtyard accompanies you towards another open, double-height space, characterized by a tree enclosed by a heavy suspended wall. This split-level characteristic continues within the main entrance hall.
From a structural point of view, the
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И это оставлю здесь🙏🏻вообще не хочу никаких правил инстаграмма
Моя жизнь ❤️
Моя милая, родная, моя самая нежная и ранимая, мам
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