Why I Almost Never Wear Shoes - The Many Benefits of Walking Barefoot
“Why are you barefoot?“ “Where are your shoes?“
These are two of the most common questions that I hear as people look at me with a curious look on their face.
There was a time when I wore shoes. I had all kinds, too: hiking shoes, winter boots, business shoes, running shoes, flip flops, slip-ons, slippers, Velcro shoes, skateboard shoes, water shoes, athletic sandals… and the list could go on. I probably owned around a dozen pairs at any one point in my early adulthood.
But as I grew a bit older I decided to break free of my preconceived notions of what was possible. I wanted to push the boundaries of my body. And ultimately, I wanted to live simply, free of many of the modern luxuries and conveniences that so many of us consider necessities. I had an idea that our feet could function just fine without shoes. I had an idea that our bodies had evolved over hundreds of thousands of years WITHOUT shoes on our feet and that today, our feet could probably still do just as well without
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