Sportlights No 17 - Service And Sport (1926)

“It takes all sorts of service to make this world go round. Some Eves prefer to serve in the limelight of sport - “ L/S of an open air swimming pool - possibly in a lake or river, or even the sea. Race taking place with lots of spectators sitting and standing around the edge of the pool. “the leader in this 220 yards backstroke race is Sybill Bauer - American Champion.“ C/U of Miss Bauer as she swims past. M/S of some of the spectators. C/U of the swimmer as she wins the race. Out of the pool C/U of the swimmer as she smiles at the camera. “Other Eves prefer the more primitive of the backwoods.“ Shots following this intertitle seem to be missing. “Speed through the water appeals more to some girls than speed on the spinning wheel.“ C/U of woman diving into the pool seen earlier. Camera follows her as she swims - front crawl. C/U of a spectator. Camera follows swimmer as she swims back again. C/U of the swimmer out of the pool. “For one, the smiles of sporting popularity - for an
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