[HD] My big 3 inch Tiger barbs / 7,5cm Sumatrabarben [4/4]
[Puntius tetrazona]
This is some old footage out of 2010. It shows my adult 7,5cm (3 inch) long tiger barbs.
The population of this 420 liter (111 gallon) tank:
Pearl Gourami / Mosaikfadenfische (Trichogaster leeri)
Blue three spot gourami / Blaue Fadenfische (Trichogaster trichopterus)
Kissing gouramis / Küssende Guramis (Helostoma temminkii)
Clown loach / Prachtschmerlen (Chromobotia macracanthus)
Red-tailed black shark / Feuerschwanz Fransenlipper (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)
Chinese algae-eater / Siamesische Saugschmerlen (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri)
Tiger barb / Sumatrabarben (Puntius tetrazona)
Kuhli loach / Gefleckte Dornaugen (Pangio kuhlii)
Bristlenose plecs / Antennenwelse (Ancistrus)