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Chester Young, Rave Republic, and Kriss Kiss team up in awe-inspiring fashion on the new single ’Repeat’, an unmistakably UK rap/garage-influenced commentary on partying and positivity housed in an EDM anthem.
’Repeat’ is a song that breeds energy and intensity. From minute one until it winds down, the song has a bouncy and playful aura manufactured through the production of Chester Young & Rave Republic and then utilised infectiously by Kriss Kiss’s vocal performance. Kiss’s unique inflexion and delivery are distinct from that of UK garage. Kiss flows effortlessly between a sharp, witty verse and a catchy hook that sits seamlessly with the production.
Produced by: Chester Young, Rave Republic
Written by: Kris Kiss, Dmitriy Demchenko, Stas Madorski, Mathias Schell
Since its inception in 2010 Smash the House has rapidly forged a reputation as one of the major players in recent dance music history. Now well into its 12th year and continuing to surge out independent and cleverly crafted releases, the Smash the House imprint has gained popularity for consistently delivering top quality dancefloor bangers, with former 2 x World No.1 DJ’s Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike at the helm once again (having won No.1 title back in 2015 and 2019).
Releasing music from a diverse range of artists that tread a spectrum of A-list names as well as bubbling-up talent, Smash The House has grown a reputation for identifying, supporting and releasing unshakeable anthems.
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#chesteryoung #raverepublic #kriskiss #repeat #edm #ukgarage