Hi Friends! You seemed to like my unintelligible face exam a few weeks ago, so, here is a fan favourite combined with it. Let me know how you liked this one! _____________________ SUPPORT ME! ⬤ Hey Happiness: (Shop and use the code “SensorybySophie“ at the checkout for 10% off on orders over 29 euros) ⬤ ZAMATSleep: ✨15% OFF with code “Sophie15“ ✨ ⬤ My Paypal Tip Jar: * * (if you’re feeling generous...) _____________________ Instagram: Spotify: Sensory by Sophie _____________________ A little disclosure… I am not a real doctor, nor do I claim to be. My role here is just for entertainmen...t purposes. The content in this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qu
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