Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh ag canadh Tá Mé ’Mo Shuí leis an grúpa Altan lena seinneann sí. Taifeadaíodh é seo ag Gradam Ceoil TG4 1999.
Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh sings á Tá Mé ’Mo Shuí with Altan with whom she plays. Recorded at Gradam Ceoil TG4 1999, this moving performance is a superb example of Altan’s unique style in handling songs from the Donegal Gaeltachtaí. The band on the night consisted of Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh (vocals), Daithí Sproule (guitar), Ciarán Tourish (tin whistle), Dermot Byrne (accordion) and Ciarán Curran (bouzouki).
Tá mé ’mo shuí
Ó d’éirigh an ghealach aréir
Ag cur teineadh síos gan scíth
’S á fadú go géar
Tá bunadh a’ tí ’na luí
’S tá mise liom féin
Tá na coiligh ag glaoch
’S tá ’n saol ina gcodladh ach mé
Sheacht mh’anam déag do bhéal
Do mhalaí ’s do ghrua
Do shúil ghorm ghlé gheal
Fá’r thréig mé aiteas is suairc
Le cumhaidh i do dhiaidh ní léir dom
An bealach a shiúl
Is a charaid mo chléibh
Tá na sléibhte ag gabháil idir mé ’s tú
Deireann lucht léinn
Gur cloíte an galar an grá
Char admhaigh mé é nó go raibh sé
’Ndiaidh mo chroí ’stigh a chrá
Aicíd ró-ghéar, faraor
Nár sheachnaigh mé í
Chuir sí arraing ’s céad go géar
Fríd cheartlár mo chroí
Casadh bean sí domh thíos
Ag Lios Bhéal an Áth’
’S d’fhiafraigh mé díthe
An scaoilfeadh glais ar bith grá
’Sé dúirt sí os íseal
I mbriathra soineanta sámh
Nuair a théann sé fán chroí
Cha scaoiltear as é go brách
English Translation:
I have not slept
Since the moon lit the heavens last night
Just setting the fire
And stroking the ember to light
The household’s retired
And I am left here to sigh
The roosters are crowing
All the world is asleep barring I
My soul is enthralled with your mouth
Your face and your brow
For your sparkling blue eyes
I abandoned contentment and glee
Due to longing for you
I’m unable to travel the way
Oh friend of my bosom
The hills come between me and you
Wise men proclaim that
Lovesickness cna leave one unwell
I did not believe it
Until my poor heart came under its spell
A malaise in my craze
I failed to ignore
With a hundred and more aching pangs
It’s pierced my heart to the core
I met a banshee
By the Fairyrath near Ballina
I asked her politely
If one could be cured of this “grá“
And she answered me kindly
In tones so simple and low
“Once it sets in the heart
It cannot be freed evermore“
Subscribe to TG4’s Irish Traditional Music Channel on YouTube / Glac síntiús chuig cainéal ceoil TG4 ar YouTube ➡️
You can access all of the Gradam Ceoil TG4 awards shows in full since 1998 by following the link below. Is de thoradh comhthionscadail idir TG4 agus an Irish Traditional Music Archive / Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann (ITMA) an chartlann seo. 🎶 ➡️
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