Temple Grandin is one of the world’s most iconic scientists. A leading expert on animal behavior, she has even been the subject of a movie, in which Claire Danes played her in an award-winning performance. Her accomplishments are legion, including her creation of livestock-handling facilities based on animals’ natural behavior. But her greatest impact might be as one of the most prominent adults with autism. The condition has given Grandin unique insights, orienting her work on animals and allowing her to r
5 months ago 00:57:02 1
Вся правда об аутизме: что нужно знать родителям и врачам l подкаст «А доктор что сказал?»
7 months ago 00:10:06 1
Зачем нужны аутисты, лекция Темпл Грандин, часть 1
8 months ago 01:52:48 3
АНТОН ТУТ РЯДОМ. Как живут люди с аутизмом и как им помочь