Leisure and travel time, you want to find the best places for recreation and entertainment, adventure and travel in the past, thereby keeping prices low and affordable and with comfortable conditions. Then you are at the right place - tours and excursions in Tajikistan and Central Asia, legends of the East, fabulous vacation spots, the cradle of civilization, extreme mountains and waterfalls, the lowest prices on the tourist services market and most importantly - oriental hospitality is always glad to see you. Tajikistan is the land of the highest peaks, powerful glaciers, rapid, turbulent rivers, unique beautiful lakes, unique vegetation and rare animals. It is the mountain, floor landscape that determines the distinctiveness and uniqueness of the nature of Tajikistan, the richness of its forms brought by the diversity of climatic zones. In the republic, in an hour and a half of flight from the sultry heat of the Vakhsh valley, you can get into the arctic cold of the eternal snows of the Pamirs. Th
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