How the final hours of the election campaign ended with Conservatives claiming falsehoods

The Conservative party has falsely claimed that Sir Keir Starmer said he plans to clock off work at 6pm if elected prime minister. The claim was made following the Labour leader’s interview with Virgin Radio where he explained how he balanced work with family life, where he stated that he tries not to do work-related things after 6pm on Fridays. But The Conservatives took what he said out of context, which Hebe Campbell explains in Debunked. Get your election coverage with The Independent: #rishisunak #keirstarmer #tories #conservatives #generalelection2024 Watch more on Independent TV: The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Subscribe: Find us on social: TikTok / @independent Instagram /
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