Desolate Isolation - Azalea (Pre-Production Single) (2018)

Blackgaze / Depressive Black Metal from United States (Manhattan, New York City) Недавно вышедший сингл талантливого нью-йорского дуэта. Материал предоставлен специально для сообщества Depressive Black Metal Archive. Album released in October 16th, 2018 Label: none Desolate Isolation “Azalea (Pre-Production Single)“ (2018) More info: Aloysius All instruments Est: Vocals - “As Jean-Paul Sartre wrote, ‘Hell is in other people.’ It truly is. There is no emotional pain worse than a true betrayal or a loss. As much as we are selfish creatures, it is our connection to others more than anything thing else that teaches us both to have compassion, and just how dark, cutting, and melancholic our very existence can truly be.” Other info: Bandcamp: Facebook: Official Page: Subscribe to not miss the info
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