Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Original talk:
Excerpt highlighted by the US 21 meditation days (Day12).
Then this second center that we have, is very important, which is called as the Swadishthana. Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Original talk:
Excerpt highlighted by the US 21 meditation days (Day10).
This center looks after physical and our mental activities. Perhaps the doctors don’t know that it has a very important work to do, is that it has to nourish the brain with new cells, because all the time the brain is using these cells for its activity. So the energy has to go from this center, up there you can see and then it nourishes the center, it nourishes the brain through its activity. Now when we are very futuristic or we are using too much of our brain, I should say, too much of our brain activity we have, we are futuristic, we are planning too much, thinking too much, all the time thoughts and thoughts and thoughts, that time we are using the energy of this center. But this center has another very important thing to be done, that it goes round, as you see, it moves all round here is shown here directly but it’s connected to the center and it moves round and round and round, and gives energy to this area where we have our liver, our pancreas, our spleen, kidney, and parts of intestines. Now if you start exhausting ourselves with too much thinking, then the main work of this center suffers and that’s how we develop all these diseases of all these organs: like for example, with liver you develop a liver problem.
Liver problem means that liver has a function to emit heat from your body, which is poison, into the bloodstream. But when liver gets upset, we should say, the heat is retained in the liver. It passes upward and downward. When it passes upward it affects a center there, as you can see, which we call as the right heart, and people develop what we call the disease as asthma. And when it passes downwards it reaches the kidneys and coagulates and you get kidney troubles, for which we have to go on dialysis and ultimately to die. So this heat is created because our liver is out of gear. At the same time this heat can also pass, if a person, say, at a very young age drinks and puts in too much of physical efforts and is all the time busy thinking, thinking, he might get a very fatal heart attack, because this heat can go towards his heart and just collapse it. Also those people work very hard like that can get a very massive heart attack.
But the people who have other problems, on the left-hand side, are different type. They are the people who have lethargic organs. These organs do not work, and when they do not work then they have all the other problems of the left side, as we call it; and this also causes another serious problem of psychosomatic troubles.
So it gives you a sense of aesthetics, and also it gives you the energy to express yourself. Now if you have the technique of how to create anything say you want to make a house or you want to paint, or if you want to do something, mouldings or anything that you want to do if you have the technique, the creativity, the power of creativity starts pouring in you, and you start producing things on which you cannot even have thought of, and these things happen to a person. So a person can become extremely dynamic with this. But if with that you do not keep your Sahaja Yoga practice, means if you do not keep your connection with the Divine, then the energy gets exhausted. That’s why Self-Realization is very important for every artist, that he should get his connection with this All-pervading Power which is the combination of all the powers, so that he doesn’t feel exhausted with it. Not only that, but all the time this source is flowing into him. Constantly it has to flow, and that’s why you have to do a little practice of Sahaja Yoga, after getting your Realization, as I told you yesterday, that now you don’t stop at this point, you have to make the connection perfect. Without the connection, it may be that you may go down. So it’s best is to keep your connection on and work it out, to give full respect to yourself, to your being. You are not an ordinary thing, you are not a chicken or something like that. You are a human being. And the beauty that is within you is to be discovered, is to be nourished and to be proud of. It is such a great thing you have within yourself, the powers, which I’ll tell you one by one.
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