learn your PULL-UP:Since I am incorporating more pull ups again lately=lots of tutorial requests👇🏼
Here’s the quickest way to master Pull-Ups, how it has worked for me.
1. scapula pull-ups: Learn to activate and target the right muscles that you need for this skill.
2. strengthen those certain muscles by adding supported pull ups, horizontal rows and add difficulty by using less and less support. 🙏🏼
3. Negatives = Pull-Up Power! 💪🏼Including negative pull-ups develops muscle control, boosts strength and paves the way for full pull-up success. 🔥
P.S.: for me the game changer was the knee supported machine if your core is slrwady strong enough. They exist in almost every gym out there - incorporate twice a week and progress by using less support.
Once you achieve 3-5 clean reps with less than half of your bodyweight support, you will be ready to achieve your first pull up I am sure!
Who’s in? And who has already experienced to learn this amazing strength skill of pull-up? 😍
#pullupgamestrong #tutorial