🛠 Android Architecture Patterns with Real Apps - MVC, MVP, MVVM & ViewBinding Master Class

📢 I’ll pay you 1000$ if you don’t understand and master Architecture Pattern. So, open your android studio and prepare your notebook. Get the source codes from our udemy course [🎪Limited Offer🎪]: 00:00 - Why Architecture Patterns? 09:45 - Types of Patterns 14:40 - MVC 26:00 - MVP 37:20 - MVVM 50:00 - ViewBinding & DataBinding Making an Android app in itself is not all that hard once you get the basics right. Making a maintainable app is a whole different story. You have to give your code a firm structure, prevent yourself from putting all the code inside an activity or fragment and make many smaller classes which have a single responsibility. How can you achieve all of this? Architectural patterns! #MVC, #MVP, #MVVM,… While anything is better than the dreaded “spaghetti code”, MVVM is one of the best options for Android development. It’s even fully supported and encouraged by Google wit
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