Commodore 64 Longplay [033] Death Star Interceptor (EU)

Played by: MadMatty Death Star Interceptor, developed by Mark Cale and released by System 3 Software in 1984. This is the first game released by System 3 on the Commodore 64. Even in 1984 I dont think this really did much for the platform and played on the fact that it has a Death Star from Star-Wars. Even though the game has nothing to do with Star Wars. Well apart from the awful attempt at the Star-Wars title screen music … I think this game is terrible. Even in 1984 it was terrible. The music is bad, the sound is bad, the gfx are bad and the gameplay ….. Is bad. Before launching you can start on any of four difficulty levels. The game is endless but would jump up a difficulty each time you finish it. The problem is due to janky collision detection eating up your shields and eventually lives, you wont have many lives left to go into the next difficulty. The game does not give you any extra lives. It’s more like a prototype for an idea that got pu
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