Action Comedy: Domestic - Short Film, Directed by Katie Hides
In this Kung-Fu epic, two cheating lovers confront each other, resulting in one crazy pumped up fight sequence. Mr. and Mrs. Smith mixed with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Domestic will dazzle you with brilliant choreography, witty dialogue, and sexy thrills.
Independently funded & produced by Brett Snelgrove, Domestic is a HD short film based on an award winning play of the same name. Domestic has screened at 20 festivals and won the 2006 St Kilda Film Festival’s Editing and Craft awards, plus numerous accolades for best film, best actor and audience choice. Domestic has screen on SBS TV, Canal , Sogecable and Atom Films as well as numerous other cinemas and television networks in Europe.
It’s crouching lover, hidden agenda when a couple puts their relationship and martial-arts skills to the test, in this short film about fidelity, forgiveness, and how to turn domestic objects into menacing weapons.
* Directed by: Katie Hides
* Written by: Brett Snelgrove
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