Are the End Times Near? How Artificial Intelligence Could Intersect With Antichrist, Prophecy

End times author Jeff Kinley recently told CBN’s Faithwire much about the impact of artificial intelligence “remains to be seen,“ though he detailed some potential cautions. “One of the biggest concerns is that it replaces human intelligence,“ Kinley said. “We are moving, as a society, towards replacing humanity in just about every way possible — replacing human labor, human thought, human writing, trying to pretty much put humanity to the margins of the narrative here.“ He continued, “But the thing about AI that’s so frightening or potentially frightening is that there’s talk of this bioengineering, these nanorobots implanting within humanity.“ The eschatological expert said the idea people would essentially have an interface or be intermingled with technology in such a way is deeply troubling, particularly when it comes to surveillance and misuse. “The biggest concern about that is that humans will now, according to those experts in the
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