Prime1Studio: T-800 Terminator (The Terminator Film) Statue

Pre-order here: “I’ll be back.“ Prime 1 Studio is excited to present the second piece of High Definition Museum Masterline Black Label Line, the 1/2 Scale T-800 Terminator Statue from The Terminator Film. The Terminator is the first work in the franchise. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, and Linda Hamilton. The Cyberdyne Systems Series 800 Terminator knew as T-800, is a type of Terminator mass-produced by Skynet. It was Skynet’s first cybernetic organism, with living tissue over a hyper alloy endoskeleton. This made it Skynet’s first successful Infiltrator unit capable of infiltrating the Resistance. The T-800 Terminator, a cyborg assassin, sent back in time from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose son will one day become a savior against machines in a post-apocalyptic future. Featuring the likeness of the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the statue captures a famous shootout scene at the p
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