Depressed Train Driver

Depressed Train Driver Comedy Sketch!: Click ’Like’ if it made you smile! Twitter: @ComedySponge #VicSponge Veteran train driver Ollie used to be the perfect employee. He used to use the train’s tannoy system for good, notifying passengers politely and efficiently. After an argument with his wife Sandra on holiday in Papau New Guinea, the punch turned a little sour for Ollie; his wife left him for a Romanian juggler named Vladimir, he stubbed his toe on some misplaced bricks, and his cat Mr Sprinkles died. Since then, Ollie doesn’t care too much for his job and decides to fruitfully let the passengers know. But who will have what on their pizza? will they have ham and mushroom or just plain? What’s that fancy word they use for plain... Margarita, that’s it... YOU DECIDE.
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