- انضم إلينا في هذه الرحلة المذهلة وكن عميلاً وشركة تابعة John White & Bill Must
#ONPASSIVE #ashmufareh #BillMust #burjkhalifa
Early Affiliates, imagine how you felt before you were introduced to ONPASSIVE. Do you remember the challenges that you had about making a living for yourself and your families? Do you remember the lost dreams? Do you remember the sleepless nights trying to figure out how to live in a world that has been structured against anyone who does not have the means to do better? We had been conditioned to accept the false narrative that nothing could be done about it, so we were stressed. We were anxious. We were totally concerned about how we were going to make a living for our families and how we could become the best friends that other friends would love to be around. Each day we had to report to a job that we had that most of us did not like. That was the only solution that we had to try to get us to the place we were at least comfortable in life. We desperately looked for answers to our financial health. So, we went to extremes just to find answers to find a way that we could have a better life. One way that most of us look was the Internet. We thought that the Internet was a means to be able to make a difference in our lives because it gave us hope that maybe if we search and search, we would be able to find someone or some company that could help us. We searched and searched and the more we looked at what we had to work with the sadder we became, the more desperate our search led us to dead ends, ending our dreams. Then we found ONPASSIVE! ONPASSIVE was introduced to all of us, and it eliminated the dead ends. Our search was over. What would our lives be like if we were not Early Affiliates in ONPASSIVE. In the next 2 weeks, ONPASSIVE will open its vaults of prosperity to all its Early Affiliates, with the Official unveiling of its Signature Video Conferencing platform called O Connect! With over 50 features and all Artificial Intelligence Driven; it would be a slight to the Brilliant Designers of OCONNECT, to call its Masterpiece a Video Conferencing Platform! A New Industry will be created with the release of OCONNECT. OCONNECT will be in a League of its own. No other company will be on the same level as OCONNECT. There will be no second places for other companies in the Video Conferencing arena. OCONNECT will go Viral upon its release to the public. OCONNECT will have end to end Encryption within ONPASSIVE Ecosystem. No privacy concerns for OCONNECT’S users. ONPASSIVE marches on to its desired destination of a Complete takeover of this Video Conferencing Space. Mr. Mufareh is a person who thinks less about himself and more about people struggling to make a living on their own to lead a prosperous life. He conceptualized ONPASSIVE in July 2018. Join us on this amazing journey and become a Customer and Affiliate.
Please ask for permission before using any content created by Bill Must Productions or any content uploaded to this channel, Thank You!
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