PLAYLIST Coffee & Food Inspired by Autumn | Acoustic Music for Cosy Fall Days & Homemade Cooking

Thank you for watching! Aleksandra Ewa C. πŸ™‚ #playlist #homemadecooking #epidemicsound Subscribe to my channel: @aleksandraewac Playlist Details: 00:00 Intro PLUM CAKE & MATCHA LATTE 00:11 For Someone Like Me - Victor Lundberg 04:29 Best For You - Victor Lundberg 08:13 I Fall - Victor Lundberg MUSHROOMS WITH TOMATO AND SPINACH 11:34 My Dear - Velvet Moon 15:09 It Really Makes Me Wonder - Loving Caliber 18:25 Identity - Velvet Moon MUSHROOM LEFTOVERS AND POACHED EGGS & COFFEE 21:26 I Want You To Stay - Victor Lundberg 24:43 Give Me Your Attention - Velvet Moon BAKED POTATOES WITH YO...GURT & COFFEE 27:59 We Were Meant To Be - Victor Lundberg 31:21 Live Your Life - Velvet Moon 34:17 Written In Stone - Victor Lundberg APPLE MUFFINS & COFFEE 38:59 What If I Said I Am Sorry - Loving Caliber 42:18 Slow Love - Mindme 45:34 Oh My Love - Sleepaway Camp 47:43 Weak In The Knees - Victor Lundberg Music: Epidemic Sound Videos you also might enjoy: Music Playlists - Music, Coffee & Food: Lifestyle: Simple & Easy Cooking: My 7-Day Challenge - recording a vlog every day for one week: Daily Vlog:
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