Ball Mastery Drills | Follow Along Training Session

Few of the basic essentials to mastering the ball. Can you do the whole Drill? if not, Make it a goal that you can! see if you can do it without any mistakes! or going at a faster speed than me. Could you do it twice, back to back! challenge yourself. Follow My Journey: Musicby: Musicbed #followalongworkout #soccertraining #futbol #practice #challenge #footballdrills #futebol #soccercoach 00:00 INTRO 00:10 Toe-Taps 00:55 Inside-Taps 01:37 The Iniesta 02:23 Roll and Stop 03:05 Triple Sole Role 03:53 Inside-Outside - R 04:45 Inside-Outside - L 05:26 V-Snaps - Inside Foot 06:13 V-Snaps _ Outside Foot 06:57 Freestyle!
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