Сольфеджио Б Калмыков, Г Фридкин 6 класс № 602 /Solfeggio B Kalmykov, G Fridkin 6 class

solfik7777 (short link) Become a channel sponsor and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More details: Channel link: https: // ... B. Kalmykov and G. Fridkin. Solfeggio. Part 1. Monophony. This video was created to help musicians learn solfeggio. This is a tutor-simulator that completely replaces the presence of a tutor when preparing assignments. It is enough to turn on the video for the child and, together with Solfik), sing the number of times that is necessary for confident performance. Feature of this video: 1. Analysis of key signs, tonality. 2. Tuning in key. 3. Solfegging (singing from notes) together with Solfiq and independently. display of notes in real time on the piano keyboard. 5. Conducting in real time. Assist in channel development: WebMoney WMZ-purse Z327380072433 WebMoney WMR-purse R289432476292 solfik7777 (короткая ссылка) Б.Калмыков и Г.Фридкин. Сольфеджио. Часть 1. Одноголосие. Сс
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