3D Printed Suppressor DESTRUCTIVE Testing

We have been working on the idea of printed suppressor parts for the last few months and after a few small scale tests it was time to print up some parts in Nylon 12 on our HP MJF machines and run them to the point of destruction! The results are pretty interesting and not entirely unexpected, but it was a great opportunity to see how strong and heat resistant these printed parts are even when subjected to the harsh environment of suppressor baffles! Please note, it is ILLEGAL for anyone without the proper licenses or an approved form 1 to build a suppressor (or even the parts) do not attempt this unless you know what you are doing. Also, unless you hold an FFL07/SOT02 we will not be able to print suppressor parts for you so don’t bother asking! Have questions or want to talk about a quote for your project? Hit us up at Sales@ What to learn more about what Forerunner 3D Prinitng can do for your firearms business?
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