60s Tango #5 | Basic rhythm patterns | Temel ritim kalıpları
Although most of tangos composed in 2/4 or 4/8 time signatures, after golden age (1935-1955) 4/4 time signature started to seen more frequently. This means there are 4 quarter note in a bar. Roughly we can say we count 4 beats on every bar. Mostly musical sentences count 8 beats. So we’ll study by counting to eight. Strongest beats is 1st one and than it’s followed by 5th. At the beginning walk with 1st beat and wait while counting to eight. You can embellish while waiting.
As second pattern we’ll use 1 and 5. This kind of walking has less waiting and seems more fluent.
On third rhthm pattern we add 7 and 8 to 1st beat. These two beats will add a tasty flavour to your dance. Due to 7th and 8th beats are weak beats try to step shorter or just use for shifting your weight. You can use 1, 5, 7 and 8 pattern too.
In tango we don’t have certain rhytmic patterns
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