’Time Has Come’’ Archangel Michael JUST Showed up In JERUSALEM!
Did you know that tensions are rising, bringing us closer to the brink of nuclear war, a grim reminder that humanity’s end may be near? That’s why the Archangel Michael, whose name means ’god-like,’ has suddenly appeared in Jerusalem. This city holds significance for many faiths, but Michael is loyal only to one God. He has come as a messenger to warn us all. Join us as we delve into the reasons behind Michael’s arrival in the holy land of Jerusalem.
You see, in the future, there’s a war that people call the Gog Magog War. It’s thought that this war will involve Russian and Islamic armies attacking Israel from the north. This event will prove that God is still looking after His people. But we need to remember that God’s help might come with some conditions. Looking back, when Israel didn’t follow God, they ended up being scattered across many countries for about 2500 years. This si