Battle Royal High School | KYOTO VIDEO

Ichirō Itano is a a true talent in his field of animation. But his directorial work has always been divisive due to it proclivity towards hardcore violence, even by 80s OVA standards. Today, we look at one of his earlier works done by his own studio and see if there’s something there beneath the blood and guts. Subscribe to KaiserBeamz for the latest episodes of KYOTO VIDEO and more: Donate to my Patreon: WORKS CITED: “Battle Royal High School Liner Notes | AnimEigo“. . “WEBアニメスタイル「アニメの作画を語ろう」“. animator interview 板野一郎(4). KB is their name and talking about old animation is his game! If you want deep analysis and history on the realm of retro anime and old animation, then you’ve com
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