* LIONS * | Animals For Kids | All Things Animal TV
* LIONS * | Animals For Kids
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You may have heard... Lions are the Kings of the Jungle.
Well actually.. Lions don’t live in the Jungle at all.
Lions roam on grassy plains and woodlands in Africa and Asia.
They are the second biggest of the Big Cats.
Only Tigers are a slightly larger.
Unlike the other big cats, Lions live in large social groups called PRIDES.
Females Lions are called Lionesses.
There are lots of Lionesses in a Pride.
Male Lions are very large and easy to spot.
They have a big distinctive hairy mane.
Baby Lions are called Cubs.
Lions are predators.
Which means they hunt and eat other animals.
This makes them carnivores because they eat meat.
Lionesses are much better at hunting than males lions.
They do most of the hunting for the Pride.
After a successful hunt the Lions sit around enjoying