the message of the cross matthew 27:40

The message of the cross3 Matthew 27:40 and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God! As we see our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ suffering and hanging on a cross dying for not his sins but for yours and for mine and for Humanity there were those who were watching what Jesus was going through for us and still did not understand, if Jesus had took their advice and come down from the cross we would not be able to be saved because no sacrifice was sins would have been acceptable. Jesus was not suffering for his sins Jesus was not suffering for his salvation Jesus was suffering for our sins he was suffering for our Salvation my prayer for everyone reading these words or hearing these words of mine may you and I understand why Jesus went through what he went through and accept his sacrifice for our sins before it is too late. The book of Matthew has traditionally been attributed to St. Matthew
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