Narcissist’s Two Rejections: Giving, Love, and Abuse

The narcissist equates love with giving and giving goes hand with hand with an entitlement and license to abuse. Why, when women replace the narcissist as a man (lover, husband), does it cause him mortification? Only women possess this power. 1. The narcissist interacts with women in two roles: child and father. Their rejection recreates the family dynamics (dead mother maternal abandonment). When women reject the narcissist and betray him, they are also doing it as a mother would reject her child, as his mother had rejected and abandoned him. When women prefer another man to the narcissist, he perceives it as adopting another child to take his place. This is life-threatening, it is about survival. It also reaffirms and confirms his essential unlovability as a defective, inadequate, unworthy, bad, and failing object. When women swap him for a substitute man ostentatiously or inform the narcissist about their cheating in detail, it is impossible to interpret their
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