Catharsis was an influential American hardcore punk band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina that was active from 1994 to 2002. They were associated with “Holy Terror“, a phenomenon commonly regarded as a form of apocalyptic metallic hardcore that was breeding during the mid-’90s. Catharsis were also known for writing extremely lengthy songs (sometimes broken into multiple parts) with complex title names and unusual time signatures.
Band: Catharsis
Song: Arsonist’s Prayer
Album: splitcd with Newborn
Label: CrimethInc.
Recorded: Acustairs Studio, May 2001
The horror--that we may not live.
We may not live
To see the walls fall from between us
Between us and the world for which these songs cry out.
That the desire--which still lives--to contest, a mark of shame upon certain foreheads.
Will remain an offering unto the dead: illegible, irrelevant.
And we will be shaped into priestly statues in poses of defiance before our own masters.
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CATHARSIS - Новогодняя акустика
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