Ferry Corsten - Eternity [Taken from BLUEPRINT]

Subscribe at Ferry Corsten - Blueprint is out now! Download & stream at It’s been said that “space exploration is a force unto itself”, a statement that can aptly be applied to the experience of music discovery. A purveyor of a music with that timeless quality, Ferry Corsten actioned himself into taking his own artist exploration deeper with his fifth artist album. Entitled ‘Blueprint’ because of his technical approach to this latest studio outing. This newest longplayer by the Rotterdam native was spawned from an idea to unite the music with a storyline that stretches beyond a nebulous... lyrical theme. Combining his love for the art of screenwriting and film score Ferry has crafted ‘Blueprint’ as a concept release to put a wider perspective on his musical vision. Transcending any referential genre, ‘Blueprint’s storyline centres around two protagonists in Lukas and the extra-terrestrial being Vee. From a d
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