10 Tropical Houseplants that I Struggle to Keep Happy
Not every plant is going to survive indoors in your space, no matter how hard you try. Just because you like the look of a particular houseplant, it may not belong inside your office or living room.
Even if you live in a tropical area like Florida, some indoor plants still have substantial requirements to thrive.
I brought few new plants that I had issues with growing indoors in New York and thought I could grow them indoors in Florida. As it turns out, there is still not enough light to make most of these new additions happy.
The good news is that they can be planted outdoors for everyone to enjoy!
Houseplants by time stamp:
1:11 Podocarpus
2:25 Graptophyllum dictum ’Chocolate’
4:08 Cyperus involucratus ’Little Tut“
5:46 Colocasia esculenta ’Diamond Head’
7:04 Clocasia esculenta ’Blue Hawaii’
8:23 Plumeria alba
9:33 Bromeliad Cotton Candy
10:57 Alibertia Belize
14:30 Monstera deliciosa
15:28 Staghorn Fern